

Session 1 - Oral 4

Prospects of Horizontal Well Drilling in Marine Gas Hydrate Reservoir

Sun Baojiang1,Li Xuefeng1, Ma Baojin2, Peng Fei2, Wang Zhiyuan1,He Haikang1

1.School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China

2CNPC Offshore Engineering Company Limited, Beijing, China

Abstract:Natural gas hydrate is a new energy source that is expected to replace fossil fuels. With the further research of marine hydrates production test, natural gas hydrates have shown great application prospects. The horizontal well mining hydrates has become the key to improve the gas production, but currently there is no mature experience in the horizontal well operation of the seabed hydrate layer. In this paper, we review the drilling tools used in conventional horizontal well and the cases of seabed shallow horizontal well, as well as related techniques for inhibiting hydrates decomposition or further generation during drilling. Possible limitation in each guiding tool for horizontal well in hydrate layers are discussed. Then based on the existing research, the development direction of horizontal well operation in marine hydrate layer is prospected. Whilst there are few cases on drilling horizontal well in marine gas hydrates, the breakthroughs will depend on the research of new drilling steering tool and drilling program, as well as further study on the mechanical properties of reservoirs

Keywords: Gas hydrate, Horizontal well, shallow layer, hydrate production, steering tool.

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